Driving for a Cause: Fordyce Maxwell’s Fundraiser for Prostate Cancer Research

Estimated read time 1 min read

A collection of Fordyce Maxwell’s newspaper columns is being turned into a book to raise funds for prostate cancer. Fordyce, who passed away at the age of 77, had 50 of his finest Scotsman articles published by his family to support Prostate Cancer UK. The book, titled “When Trees Were Green,” edited by Fordyce’s son Tom, aims to serve as a warning to others about prostate cancer. Fordyce was very fit for his age and showed no signs of early prostate cancer, which ultimately led to his untimely death. His family hopes that the book will help raise awareness about this disease. “When Trees Were Green – The Scotsman Articles of Fordyce Maxwell” is available for purchase on www.fordycemaxwell.com for £15.

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